Turn your ideas into viral videos, instantly
Create videos from simple text prompts and publish them as YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, TikTok and more using AISay goodbye to time-consuming and costly video production.
Fully customizable video creation
Add styles, Change voice actors, Choose from 48 languages, Add Music and more...
Clone any voice in seconds
Clone a voice with high accuracy using just a short, 30-second speech sample. and use it in your videos.
A simple yet powerful video editor
add your own images, videos, and audio or generate them using the latest AI. have full creative control over your creations.
Complex video editing tasks done in seconds
Easiest way to turn your ideas into publish-ready videos for social media
Our AI automatically edits video clips by understanding your prompts and instructions
Boost video reach with quick, precise captions
AI B-rolls
add b roll footage into your video clips automatically
Natural language editing
Edit your video clips by simply talking to AI
Remove Silences and Filler words
Remove unwanted silences with a single click
Use AI to automatically make clips from text prompts
Create, Edit and Publish Viral Short Videos Quickly with AI!
AI Voice Actors For Any Emotion
AI-voice characters with realistic voices to express any emotion based on your preferences
Start Creating Videos 10X Faster
Auto Caption and B-roll Generation
Cliptalk will automatically generated Animated Captions, B-roll Footage and Images based on your provided script
Frequently asked questions
What Our Customers Say?
Started my faceless YT channel tuesday and im already at 20k views, only posted shorts from Cliptalk Pro
Youtube Creator
I have been saving hours of time with Cliptalk, before it I had to create short videos manualy doing borinng copy and paste from different AIs now everything is provided so I can just make my videos easily in minutes
Digital Marketer
The customer service I received was exceptional. The support team went above and beyond to address my concerns. they implemented a new feature in a day just to address my needs.
Marieta Kostova
Marketing coach
I'm running 3 Faceless channels on different niches alone, I could never do it withour help of Cliptalk AI, it's really fast with high quality output
Lantos sar
Content Marketer
Say goodbye to the struggle of creating short form videos for platforms like TikTok, YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels, because Cliptalk has got you covered.
Tim Timothy
Content Creator
We just discovered @CliptalkAI and honestly I was blown away! I have started turning all of our ideas into videos and posting across all of our social medias and we are getting tons of new traffic to our website now